Light Bladder Leakage

A Sense of Urgency… Dealing with Light Bladder Leakage (LBL)

After a busy day out and about, you pull the car into your driveway and park. As you step out, you happen to notice a small stream of fluid trickling down the asphalt. Oh no—a leak! What do you do? It’s simple, you get it fixed. Until that time, however, your life is essentially put on hold—no grocery shopping, going to the gym, or heading out for the night, and certainly no big road trips until the problem has been addressed. Light bladder leakage or urinary incontinence is no different.

Unfortunately, when it comes to addressing light bladder leakage or urinary incontinence, there is often (and rather ironically) a lack of urgency. Living in constant fear of lost bladder control, quality of life can quickly deteriorate, once again leaving the sufferer a prison in their own home. In a random survey of over one-hundred Canadian women aged 20 and up, an alarming 36.5% of women reported episodes of urinary incontinence (UI), with 28% considering themselves to be “incontinent”. A mere 56% of those suffering from UI actually sought treatment, with the others feeling that the problem would either resolve on its own, was simply a normal part of the aging process, or lacked any effective treatment options.

Fortunately, there is a safe, non-invasive treatment option proven to alleviate female urinary incontinence: Incontilase laser therapy. This gentle, effective treatment helps to decrease bladder leakage by stimulating collagen formation, enhancing the integrity of the vaginal lining and the supportive tissue in the pelvis.

For more information, go to our LBL service page, to, or call Integrated Health Clinic at 604-888-8325.

For another source of information visit The Canadian Continence Foundation.

By. Dr. Michelle Willis, ND

